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Happy National Caregiver’s Day, February 17th.
Interested in attending our Ladies Lunch to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th?

As we start the new year together, I want to tell you how grateful I am for you, our partner. Your dedication and passion for resident care is unmatched as you work to deliver customized care. We are honored to be part of your team as we strive to deliver personal, consistent and reliable pharmacy services. I know we aren’t perfect, and the staffing shortages we’re both facing don’t help, but we will always work to get things right. More than ever, we are dedicated to you and the residents we serve. Together, we put the care back in long-term care. We’re here for you and are eager to pivot and evolve together as we both strive to provide solution-driven services and continue our dedication to making a difference in the lives of the individuals, families and healthcare partners we serve.
Now that we are in the post-covid world, our external team and I are excited to get out and see you this year!