The holiday season has come sooner than some people expected, and not soon enough for others. As we gear up to celebrate during these very extraordinary times, we wanted to celebrate the many ways that our staff enjoy the season.

The Food
With every season, comes food – and especially this season. Our Chief Executive Officer, Reece Christensen, raises cows on his ranch, and Executives, Cory and Camille Meyer’s daughter, Sophee, raises pigs on Big Iron Ranch to provide a plentiful gift of beef and pork to the Heartland Pharmacy employees. It’s a welcome and unique gift for everyone.
It’s not just the company food, but the edible traditions of our employees that are hailed as well. Like many who enjoy homemade stuffing, Cindy, in our front office, has a decades-long stuffing recipe that is a staple at her Thanksgiving dinner that she makes every year without fail. Our PCAT, Heather, always gets a request for her Monkey Bread this time of year. It is a sweet, sticky pastry that consists of pieces of soft-baked dough sprinkled with cinnamon. Michelle, Denver’s Chief Pharmacist, always looks forward to Christmas breakfast: a butter braid, eggs, and bacon. Diana, in our corporate office, has a Christmas Eve feast of Mexican food – like tamales. And finally, one of our fillers in Boise, Lisa, enjoys hosting a Christmas morning brunch for the kids before they head to grandma’s for Chex mix and cookies.

The Festivities
Our employees have many festive traditions, both in the office and out. A few of our pharmacy locations even put up holiday decorations to get in a giving and cheerful spirit. In addition, multiple offices and pharmacies hold a gift exchange and white elephant party to help celebrate the season. We’ve also held a fancy hotel party, including an elegant dinner, raffles, and a moment to recognize employees as they celebrate anniversaries at Heartland Pharmacy. This recognition is generally conducted by the employee’s supervisor or manager. It has been said that this celebration feels like a big family affair – a sure thing when working at Heartland.
Dani, in Denver, reminisced that Hannukah was a big deal in her youth, when they would light the Menorah every night and open a small gift.
Drew Smith, a Regional Accounts Director says, “I think these Christmas traditions really contribute to making Heartland a special place to work and for 13 years this Christmas, I have enjoyed seeing the extra amount of love and concern that is fostered by our fellow employees and executive management personnel during this special time of year.”
Danielle, a PCAT in Boise, always enjoys attending the Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in downtown Boise. Another one of our valued PCATs, Heather, enjoys hanging stockings with her family each year. And Cindy even enjoyed one of her annual Christmas Eve BBQs outdoors, during an unseasonably warm winter.
Our Chief Operating Officer enjoys his friendly white elephant exchange. And although it won’t occur this year, they will certainly enjoy planning next year’s exchange. “It’s become a tradition that one of the white elephant gifts has a picture of me on the gift. I have appeared on socks, a poster, and a pillow. It has become such a big tradition that people start planning for the next year after the party is over.”
Michelle doesn’t miss a year to drive around enjoying Christmas lights and watching the kids unwrap their Christmas Eve gift of books and jammies.
The Charity
One of Jeramy’s “musts” for the holidays is their annual “Ding, Dong, Ditch” of a select family they’ve chosen for secret Santa. The kids love shopping for the families and trying not to get caught as they deliver the gifts. He said, “Giving as a family is definitely one of the highlights of our Holiday Season.”
Michelle is adding a new tradition: Operation Christmas Child, where they are filling shoe boxes for kids in need overseas. “My kids are so excited to give back.”

The Diversity
One of the most endearing facets of Heartland Pharmacy is the diversity that exists within our organization. While we have traditions steeped in Christianity, we also celebrate the many other religious celebrations this time of year, including Hannukah and Kwanzaa and others throughout the year, such as Eid Al-Fitr.
Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of individuals and families – both within our walls and beyond. We want to wish all our family a time filled with joy. However you may celebrate, we hope that you feel hope and happiness.